Insomnia Natural Treatment:

Treatment Options for Insomnia:

Medicines -Of course, there are sleeping pills to put you to sleep. But, you know how harmful they can be, if taken in excess. These over-the-counter pills do more harm than good, because of their terrible side effects. However, certain alternative therapies and exercises have proven effective against sleep disorders caused by stress, depression or other psychological factors.

A Non-Drug Therapy  - showing promising results, is called cognitive behavioral therapy. The therapy basically trains the patients to calm their mind and regulate their thought patterns for a sound sleep.

Relaxation Techniques -There are many breathing and relaxation techniques too that can promote relaxation and relieve stress. These techniques teach you how to breathe deeper and slower to become more relaxed and sedated.

Insomnia Natural Treatment - Sleep Tracks Review 

Being able to receive a good night's sleep is crucial to every body's well-being because sleep helps a body rejuvenate and replenish necessary oxygen, blood supplies in addition to helping our brains recharge.

If you have been suffering from insomnia, and fed up of waking up every morning feeling tired and unproductive, then Yan Muckle’s Sleep Tracks might be your solution

Sleep Tracks was developed by Yan Muckle through an exhaustive and thorough investigation of everything sleep related. Muckle, himself an insomniac for over two years, uncovered these little known and extremely surprising facts about how the brain works during sleep.

 After a huge amount of research, former insomniac Yan Muckle has discovered that a few simple changes can be all that is required to restore quality sleep. Yan has developed an extremely powerful way to restore your sleep quickly, even if you have suffered insomnia for most of your life.

Sleep Tracks is for you if:

  • You spend hours trying to fall asleep at night
  • You wake up frequently in the middle of the night
  • You wake up feeling tired even after 8 hours in bed
  • You are suffering from lack of sleep side effects
  • You have tried other remedies for sleep but they do not work

According to Muckle, "The rhythmic natures of the pulses which are embedded into the audio sessions safely and gently guide your brains to sleep - and help it stay asleep. What's cool is that you can't develop any dependency to them, and they have no negative side effects.

Yan Muckle’s sleeptracks talks about the 3 key concepts to help you sleep – remove obstacles, adopt sleep friendly habits, and brain entrainment. He is an expert in the latter method, and has put together professionally engineered tracks to guide your brain to produce specific, sleep-inducing brainwaves to help you go to sleep fast.

What you Get from Sleep Tracks?

Yan Muckle is Offering Two Packages that You can Choose from While Downloading:

Package # 1:Basic Package

 Sleep Tracks Program includes:

  • Track #1 - The Insomnia Buster - Helps re-train your brain's activity during the day so you'll sleep soundly at night.

  • Track #2  - Fall Asleep - This track has been designed to lead your brain progressively into slower and slower brainwaves; making you sink deeper and deeper.

  • Track #3  - Whole Night - For those who have been to wake up frequently during the night and have trouble falling back to sleep or suffer from light, fragmented sleep.

When You Download Sleep Tracks Basic Package,you will also get Following 2 FREE Bonuses:

  • Bonus # 1 - Fast Start Guide - This simple guide explains (without jargon) what you need to know to make the best use of these sessions.

  • Bonus # 2 - Optimal Sleep Course - Muckle knows from experience that integrating a few simple core habits into your life - and avoiding a few costly mistakes - the results you achieve with the sleep tracks system will be compounded.That’s why Muckle did the research and compiled it into an easy-to-digest, entertaining set of videos… and called this 5-part presentation the “Optimal Sleep course

Package # 2: Premium Package

When You Download Sleep Tracks Premium Package,you will get all the tracks in Basic Package and Following 4 FREE Bonuses:

  • Bonus # 1 - Fast Start Guide - This simple guide explains (without jargon) what you need to know to make the best use of these sessions.

  • Bonus # 2 - Optimal Sleep Course - Muckle knows from experience that integrating a few simple core habits into your life - and avoiding a few costly mistakes - the results you achieve with the sleep tracks system will be compounded.That’s why Muckle did the research and compiled it into an easy-to-digest, entertaining set of videos… and called this 5-part presentation the “Optimal Sleep course

  • Bonus # 3 - Power Nap Track - it's true that a person could receive 1 1/2 hours of sleep in just 20 minutes. It's not only possible; it's easy when you use the right tool.This special audio session is a precious aid to help you extend your day and have the same amount of energy during the evening as you would if you had just woken up ready for the day.

  • Bonus # 4 - Anxiety Ease Track - Most Sleep Tracks friends have a problem with anxiety and with this track, you'll be able to listen to it whenever anxiety begins to creep in.

With Sleep Tracks - wave insomnia goodnight a person need not fear going to bed any longer. With the several tracks each embedded with 'rhythmic natures of the pulses' to help gently and safely guide your brain to sleep, and more importantly keep it asleep all through the night, a former insomniac will have restful nights free from anxiety.

 If you're serious about finally getting a great nights sleep then Sleep Tracks Program is worth giving a try. Heck.Its time to reclaim a insomnia free life with the simple, step-by-step, holistic method provided in The Sleep Tracks System.


Sleep Tracks Success Stories:

Most nights, I'm out in 10 to 15 minutes. It is unbelievable

 "I had not been sleeping good for 6 months. I was getting grumpy with my family. Things were getting worse. For several months, I had been taking 5mg Ambien and recently had to increase it to 10mg for it to work. That was my trigger to search for a solution. I tried a few relaxation cd's that I had lying around, they did not help. I purchased your system in desperation, half hoping it would work, but knowing that it would not work for me.

 My first night with the system was not so good. I watched all the online material first thing. The insomnia buster during the day was relaxing, but the fall asleep track was very annoying to me. It just seemed to build my tension until I had to turn it off. On night 2, I lowered the volume a bit and tried to accept it and to my surprise, I fell asleep in 30 minutes. Night 3, I was gone in 10 minutes. Most nights, I'm out in 10 to 15 minutes. It is unbelievable."

--Nick, Newburgh, New York

"I can't thank you enough for how you have improved the quality of my life"

 "I am 50 years old and have been on one prescription sleep medication or another since I was 3 months old! I have struggled with my sleep problems every night of my life.

 I still have occasional nights where I have trouble falling asleep, but these are getting more rare. (And when I do have trouble, I am finding that is is when I have eaten something with MSG contained in it.)

 Now I often fall asleep within the first hour, and if I am awakened in the middle of the night by a noise for instance, I am able to fall right back to sleep. I easily awaken before my alarm clock goes off with about six hours of sleep and feel totally refreshed.

 I can't thank you enough for how you have improved the quality of my life.
 I would highly recommend this course to anyone that is having problems sleeping."

-- Kevin Ross, Newton, Iowa

"I definitely feel like I am sleeping better"

 "I just wanted to tell you that I have definitely seen some results from using your SleepTracks system. I have only been using them for a few days and can already tell a difference. I am actually having dream sleep which I haven't had, that I know of, in ages.

 I definitely feel like I am sleeping better. I am so glad I came across this product. Thank you so much for making it available to me."

-- Sherry Tilson, Tennessee

For More Success Stories like these and to Know More about Sleep Tracks System,

What is Insomnia ?

Insomnia is defined as difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both, despite adequate opportunity and time to sleep, leading to impaired daytime functioning. Insomnia may be due to poor quality or quantity of sleep.

 Insomnia is very common and occurs in 30% to 50% of the general population. Approximately 10% of the population may suffer from chronic (long-standing) insomnia.

 Insomnia affects people of all ages including children, although it is more common in adults and its frequency increases with age. In general, women are affected more frequently than men.

Insomnia may be divided into three classes based on the duration of symptoms:

  • Insomnia lasting one week or less may be termed transient insomnia
  • Short-term insomnia lasts more than one week but resolves in less than three weeks; and
  • Long-term or chronic insomnia lasts more than three weeks.

What Causes Insomnia ?

If you've been counting sheep till the wee hours of the morning quite regularly, you're a victim of insomnia. This condition can not only make you dread the night, but also disturb your normal flow of life. And it's common enough to afflict around 3.5 million people in the US alone!

 There are some known causes of insomnia, like chronic pain, restless legs syndrome, nocturnal disturbances, too much coffee, and the like. But, today, mental stress is one of the main culprits for this problem. Worries and tensions keep the mind engaged at night, keeping you wide awake. If you're stressed only for a few times, you can cope with sleeplessness. But, if you're a chronic worrier, chances are you're an insomniac too.

 Insomnia may have many causes and, as described earlier, it can be classified based upon the underlying cause.

Situational and stress factors leading to insomnia may include:
  • Jet lag
  • Physical discomfort (hot, cold, lighting, noise, unfamiliar surroundings)
  • Working different shifts
  • Stressful life situations (divorce or separation, death of a loved one, losing a job, preparing for an examination)
  • Illicit drug use
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Caffeine intake prior to going to bed
  • Alcohol intoxication or withdrawal, or 
  • Certain medications.

What are the Symptoms of Insomnia ?

Insomnia Occurs Due to Following symptoms:

Impairment of daytime functioning is the defining and the most common symptom of insomnia.

Other common symptoms include:
  • Daytime Fatigue
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Mood changes
  • Poor attention and concentration
  • Lack of energy
  • Anxiety
  • Poor social function
  • Headaches, and
  • Increased errors and mistakes.

How is Insomnia Diagnosed ?

Evaluation and diagnosis of insomnia may start with a thorough medical and psychiatric patient history taken by the physician.Many medical and psychiatric conditions can be responsible for insomnia.

 A general physical examination to assess for any abnormal findings is also important, including assessment of mental status and neurological function; heart, lung and abdominal exam; ear, nose and throat exam; and measurement of the neck circumference and waist size. Assessment of routine medications and use of any illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine is also an important part of the medical history. Any laboratory or blood work pertinent to these conditions can also be a part of the assessment.

 The patient's family members and bed partners also need to be interviewed to ask about the patient's sleep patterns, snoring, or movements during sleep.

 Specific questions regarding sleep habits and patterns are also a vital part of the assessment.

A Sleep History Focuses on:
  • Duration of sleep
  • Time of sleep
  • Time to fall sleep
  • Number and duration of awakenings
  • Time of final awakening in the morning, and
  • Time and length of any daytime naps.

Sleep logs or diaries may be used for this purpose to record these parameters on a daily basis for more accurate assessment of sleep patterns.

 Sleep history also typically includes questions about possible symptoms associated with insomnia. The physician may ask about daytime functioning, fatigue, concentration and attention problems, naps, and other common symptoms of insomnia.

 Other diagnostic tests may be done as part of the evaluation for insomnia, although they may not be necessary in all patients with insomnia.

Polysomnography is a test that is done in sleep centers if conditions such as sleep apnea are suspected. In this test, the person will be required to spend a full night at the sleep center while being monitored for heart rate, brain waves, respirations, movements, oxygen levels, and other parameters while they are sleeping. The data is then analyzed by a specially trained physician to diagnose or rule out sleep apnea.

Actigraphy is another more objective test that may be performed in certain situations but is not routinely a part of the evaluation for insomnia. An actigraph is a motion detector that senses the person's movements during sleep and wakefulness. It is worn similar to a wrist watch for days to weeks, and the movement data are recorded and analyzed to determine sleep patterns and movements. This test may be useful in cases of primary insomnia disorder, circadian rhythm disorder, or sleep state misconception.